Kettlebells are the physical training tool of choice for Navy Seals, Delta Special Forces, US Secret Service, the NFL, and the NCAA. Learn the hottest functional training method in the fitness industry today from brother firefighters who are also RKC certified instructors. Hard style is not for everybody, but it is perfect for firefighters. Our goal is to share what we have learned and help you become stronger.

The life we save may be our own. Instructors are donating their time; all proceeds will be donated to charities that benefit firefighters or help kids stay fit.

Our first seminar held on February 7 and 8 in Bridgeport CT was a tremendous success. Check back for information about future training opportunities and competitions.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Basic Work Out


The following excerpt is from Pavel's book – Enter the Kettlebell. There is no need to re-create the wheel, we will keep it simple and learn from the master. Your instructors encourage you to purchase Enter the Kettlebell, available from Dragondoor Publications. A direct link to purchase this book will be available shortly.

The Break In Plan:

Practice the swing, the get up, the remedial drills and stretches almost daily – or at least 3 times a week.

Practice, don't work out!

Practice for 30 minutes. Finish stronger than when you started.

Stay on the break in plan for as long as it takes to develop good swing and get up technique.

You may keep doing whatever lifting or athletic training you have been doing.

Remember – do what you can, perfectly. Train smart, never to failure. If you have difficulty with a movement that is where you need to put your effort. Practice the TGU without weight until your technique is perfect. Add weight safely – use a training partner as a spotter. Practice the ¼ get up with the bell you are swinging – baby roll, firing range position, safety check, slap the floor, get tight, crunch and punch to elbow, back down slow – 3 times each side is the goal – do what you can. Your straight leg should lengthen, your gaze should be on the bell, you chest should be extended. Perfect practice, never to failure. When you can perform 3 - ¼ get ups perfectly for 3 sets then increase to 5 reps, then to straight arm, then to high bridge, etc….. Grease the groove. Remember – do not use speed as a substitute for stability. The movement should be smooth and controlled on the way up, slow and tight on the way down. Train hard, train smart.

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