Kettlebells are the physical training tool of choice for Navy Seals, Delta Special Forces, US Secret Service, the NFL, and the NCAA. Learn the hottest functional training method in the fitness industry today from brother firefighters who are also RKC certified instructors. Hard style is not for everybody, but it is perfect for firefighters. Our goal is to share what we have learned and help you become stronger.

The life we save may be our own. Instructors are donating their time; all proceeds will be donated to charities that benefit firefighters or help kids stay fit.

Our first seminar held on February 7 and 8 in Bridgeport CT was a tremendous success. Check back for information about future training opportunities and competitions.

Monday, February 16, 2009


To all who participated in the KB workshop- Participants, logistics/ "long-gistics" , hosts,tour guides----- I just want to say "Thank you " once again.

I was really impressed by the enthusiasm and turnout which equals committment in my book.
As you know, firefighters are a "tough sell" on many things and not too fond of change- to put it mildly. So, to see the number fo participants really floored me. I was equally impressed to see family members in attendance. I was humbled and truly excited to share the gift that was given to me by PAVEL TSATSOULINE.

I can speak for all the instructors when I say everyone exceeded our expectations. It was a very special group of instructors I was privledged to be with. My brother in AFD Charles brought you a special brand of pain. The tensioning is essential for truly effective and safe kb training. John Slattery is an excellent instructor who was mindful of form and the group as a whole and when to make changes in the program to keep everyone safe.
Tom Sher- I cannot say enough about the rare opportunity and appropriateness of the cool downs he took us through. They were perfect for recovery and oxygenation. Those sessions I believe were largely responsible for the high level of function everyone came to day 2 with.
Chief Gomola- I cant say enough about how much this man cares and wants to share with his fire family a way to perform our jobs better, live better, and go on into our retirements with health and longevity. What a quality group of people!!! They are closing the cafe I am writng from...
pulling the plug.. more to come- If I can help, please write me at

Train Hard
Stay Safe
Finish Strong


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