Kettlebells are the physical training tool of choice for Navy Seals, Delta Special Forces, US Secret Service, the NFL, and the NCAA. Learn the hottest functional training method in the fitness industry today from brother firefighters who are also RKC certified instructors. Hard style is not for everybody, but it is perfect for firefighters. Our goal is to share what we have learned and help you become stronger.

The life we save may be our own. Instructors are donating their time; all proceeds will be donated to charities that benefit firefighters or help kids stay fit.

Our first seminar held on February 7 and 8 in Bridgeport CT was a tremendous success. Check back for information about future training opportunities and competitions.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hey Hey, My My

Got a wonderful email from Wendy last night - short but quite telling. "I got blisters!" As you know we are getting Wendy ready for RKC in August - she is well on her way. This week training sessions:

Monday - Chains of Hell - following is one set
20 dead lifts
1 ARM Swings - 10/10
Cleans - 10/10
High Pulls - 10/10
Snatches - 10/10

TGU each side b/w sets (no wt)

Wendy used 12 kg bell, I used 16 kg - after 2 sets Wendy dropped her reps to 10 and 5/5, I kept mine at 20 - 10/10

Tuesday - TRX and KB - standard TRX warm up followed by TRX atomic push up/low row/ KB farmer walk circuit - 10/10/30/30 - 10 atomic push ups was goal - Modified for to 10 second prone suspended plank and 3 push ups, Chris B and I did full ATPU's
Farmer's walk - single kb from a clean-rack position - walk 40 yds, switch and return. Repeated circuit 10 x.

Wednesday - VO2 Max Protocol - 15/15 - 40 sets

10 sets - 1 arm swings
10 sets - Snatch
10 sets - 1 arm swings
10 sets - Snatch
5 sets alternating 1 arm swings with active rest (arm circles with bell)

TRX Today!

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