Kettlebells are the physical training tool of choice for Navy Seals, Delta Special Forces, US Secret Service, the NFL, and the NCAA. Learn the hottest functional training method in the fitness industry today from brother firefighters who are also RKC certified instructors. Hard style is not for everybody, but it is perfect for firefighters. Our goal is to share what we have learned and help you become stronger.

The life we save may be our own. Instructors are donating their time; all proceeds will be donated to charities that benefit firefighters or help kids stay fit.

Our first seminar held on February 7 and 8 in Bridgeport CT was a tremendous success. Check back for information about future training opportunities and competitions.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2nd Annual FF KB Seminar a Huge Success!!!

As is true in all things - each door we open leads to many more. A pebble cast upon still waters creates ripples which touch shores we may never see. The knowledge you have learned will change your journey, giving you the strength to travel far and help many along the way. Provided of course that you practice what you have learned. Think about that for a moment - to practice instead of to train - If I want to learn to play the piano do I practice or train? Kettlebell Training is more like a martial art than an exercise modality because that variable - we practice what we have learned - perfect practice - never to failure - and through our practice the simple becomes complex, and if we continue to learn, simple again - so simple in fact that it becomes reflex.

That's a whole lot to swallow - considering the fact that your hamstrings have just begun to function almost normally - and the fear you developed over the week end about climbing stairs has begun to fade. But did your back hurt? Does it now? I saw Jim Allen - the senior member of this year's kettlebell class. At 55 the work he performs as a fire truck mechanic was beginning to take it's toll - getting out of bed in the morning was usually painful. This weekend was no exception. Except for Monday, and Tuesday - "I was in pain, my hamstrings especially, but my back felt fine. This is the first time in a long while that I got out of bed and my back didn't hurt."

You pay the toll on the way in - and also on the way out. You paid the toll - now enjoy the ride - start with a very simple 10 n 10, let me know how you make out

Simple 10 n 10 - 200 reps total training volume

Warm Up -

KB Hip Hinge Dead Lifts - 10 sets, 10 reps, 15 second active rest interval between sets

Active rest requires movement - for the warm up phase perform step overs and step a rounds with the bell –Start Position - facing the bell, feet shoulder width apart perform an inside circle around the bell with your right foot - begin by moving your right foot towards your left, the circle around the bell and return to start - repeat with left side - after each set - 1 right 1 left perform a quick one two step - circle in, circle in right, step step, circle in left, step, step - slow circles, fast steps - begin slow and low, and build to slow and high - leading first with ankle tight to bell and progressing to high knee and hip. Perform first 5 sets with an inward movement, next 5 sets with an outside in movement.

Activity -

Training set - 10 n 10 - 15 sec rest interval
4 sets of 10 reps - 2 hand swings
4 sets of 10 reps - 1 hand swings - strong side, weak side, ss, ws
2 sets of 10 reps - 2 hand swings

Focus on one aspect of movement for each set - example - first sets - breath - count aloud a sharp "two" after each rep. one-two, two-two, three-two, ect. Next set focus on hip extension, next set focus on keeping your upper arms tight to your rib cage - if you have difficulty with any technique aspect focus on that until it becomes reflexive. KB training is a journey not a race.

Active recovery between each set - use this time to recover - walk around - catch your breath - eventually we will insert another activity - hot potatoes, around the worlds, halo's, heart beats, etc... but for now focus on the swings - find your rhythm.

Cool Down -

Naked Grease the Groove Turkish Get Ups x3 no weight - start to bridge

Break down the TGU into the basic movement patterns - perform each on 3x strong side then 3x weak side - do strong side first to pattern movement - allow your body to feel how the movement should be performed perfectly - then repeat with your weak side.

1, fetal start, roll to elbow - Start in fetal position - roll to start position - press bell (pretend) to firing range position, safety check, drop arm to 45 position, punch and crunch, grab the handle, drive your elbow into the ground, punch and crunch. Hold at elbow - down slow - repeat for 3 reps strong side, 3 reps weak side.

2. start to hand - start on back - bell arm in air - punch and crunch to elbow, then hand, thumb on plant hand should rotate outward slightly - force should transfer from up arm to ground - pull yourself back to the ground after each rep - 3 right and 3 left

3. start to high bridge - same as #2 but continue to high bridge - headlights to ceiling - (hip notches) 3 strong side, 3 weak

Stop here for today (and or tomorrow) - work out should have taken about 20 minutes - remember - perfect practice - never to failure. Train hard, train smart.

Stay safe,


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