Kettlebells are the physical training tool of choice for Navy Seals, Delta Special Forces, US Secret Service, the NFL, and the NCAA. Learn the hottest functional training method in the fitness industry today from brother firefighters who are also RKC certified instructors. Hard style is not for everybody, but it is perfect for firefighters. Our goal is to share what we have learned and help you become stronger.

The life we save may be our own. Instructors are donating their time; all proceeds will be donated to charities that benefit firefighters or help kids stay fit.

Our first seminar held on February 7 and 8 in Bridgeport CT was a tremendous success. Check back for information about future training opportunities and competitions.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wendy Pond RKC

Congratulations to Wendy Pond- Fairfield Strength Member and newest Russian Kettlebell Instructor. Wendy is the wife of Fairfield Firefighter Tom Pond and was introduced to kettlebell training at our February 2009 RKC Fire Pro Kettlebell Seminar. Wendy completed the RKC Snatch Challenge on Friday performing 100 snatches with a 35 lb kettlebell in 4 min and 25 seconds. The challenge allows 5 minutes to complete 100 reps. But the snatch challenge is only the beginning - the gateway to a 3 day trail of strenght and endurance that 30 % of the candidates fail. Wendy was required to demonstrate perfect technique in the deadlift, the squat, the swing, the clean, the press, the snatch and most importantly - the Turkish Get Up. Finally - she had to demonstrated her ability to teach and pass an instructor training practical - her final test was to survive the Graduate Work Out - a grueling work out that seperates the strong from the weak. Wendy destroyed every challenge and recieved her RKC Kettlebell Instructor. Great Job Wendy!!!

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